
Application Deadlines

Fall Workshops and Advanced Theatre Troupe - July 31st

Spring - December 1st

Age Range: 7-18 yrs

  • In this intensive acting workshop, students will learn the basics of acting and how to truly impress a casting director in auditions for voiceovers, TV, and Film. With over 40 vocabulary words and terminologies given, they will explore the ins and outs of the entertainment business, as well as techniques in modeling, culminating in a diverse showcase. This introductory course is a pre-requisite for all acting advanced classes, with the opportunity to be taken on as a client by Rybin Talent Management.

    Price: $900 (choice to pay in two installments $450)

  • In this introductory workshop to singing, students will learn and explore terminologies, vocal techniques, various styles of music, and their own personal performer’s presence on a stage. By the end of the class, they will have the tools necessary to sing in front of an audience and a repertoire of songs that they can go back to for auditions and simply singing for fun. This course will culminate in a showcase, showing off a diversity of genres and each student’s talents.

    Price: $750 (choice to pay in two installments $375)

  • Write, create, and perform in this fun exploration into songwriting! First, students will get the opportunity to write their own songs, focusing on lyrics, melody, structure, and individuality. Then, they will learn the tools needed to develop their own styles as singers on a stage. Students will learn techniques including vocalization, breathing, vocabulary, and picking the right songs for their voices. The course will culminate with a presentation, where students will get to show off what they created with friends and family!

    Price: $800 (choice to pay in two installments $400)

  • In this dance crash course, students will explore beginner’s steps, expressing themselves, different genres of dance, as well as their own personal styles. The workshop will culminate in a short presentation and dance party for everyone to participate in!

    $800 (choice to pay in two installments $400)

  • In this 8-month intensive theater class, students will have an in-depth exploration of all things acting, including improvisation, storytelling, concentration, theater games, character analysis, monologues, and production. Together with their teacher, they will be constantly creating short productions to present to family and friends, culminating in a grand show on a big New-York stage. Students who have already taken the class are welcome to re-take it, as teachers will rotate and new original productions will be created every year. This is a theater community for all students of Rybin Studio to be a part of! Pre-Requisite: Acting & Auditioning Techniques Workshop.

    Price: $2,000 (Choice to Pay in four installments $500)

    *Required next step for those graduating from the beginner’s acting course

    For the final big theater performance, you will have an obligation to sell a certain number of tickets, depending on the theater.

- Thank you for your interest in Rybin Talent Management and Rybin Studio of Drama